The 90 Day step-by-step system to run and manage your business in ONE place so you can grow your business (without losing your mind in the process)

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You are purchasing 90 DAYS ACCESS to Asana Quick Start course and community.

Due to the digital nature of this product, no refunds will be given.

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Asana Quick Start$0

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($397.00)$397.00
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    Split pay (3x $99.00)3x $133.00

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What other business owners are saying about my Asana Approach: 

"I tried Asana before and it all felt like gibberish but the way Amy has broken it down, it's so easy to follow step-by-step and apply it to everyday life. I can't do without it now and I am recommending it to everyone I know who struggles with time management."

Margherita Dal Pra

"I was already working in Asana but it was a total mess, now I feel that I have an excellent foundation! Your voice and clarity are powerful! Love your work! Thank you so much, this will make a big difference for my business."

"Your holistic approach is SO appreciated. It really helps in the way we think about the big picture."

Stéphanie McGuirt

"This course provided the perfect foundation for Asana. I appreciated the short, bite-sized chunks. Your instruction is very clear and broken down in logical segments.

Angie Pennisi

"I set up EVERYTHING you suggested and now my days are a dream. Combined with the templates, I feel super confident that nothing is getting lose, my inbox is clear by 9:05am, and I can focus on my tasks and know that I'm slowly forward toward my goals every day."

Lauren Caselli

"But Amy, why do I only get access for 90 days?"
Great question, here's the thing: I want you to get results, not just collect courses.

When you have lifetime access, it’s easy to put things off, thinking you’ll get to it “someday.” 

 But I know that the sooner these systems are in place, the sooner you’ll be saving time and feeling more freedom.

All the templates are downloadable and yours to keep and you’ll walk away with the skills you need to keep your system running.

By giving you 90 days access, I’m encouraging you to take action, stay focused, and implement what you learn.

This way, you’ll see real progress and achieve your goals faster.
Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions!

1. Is there a refund policy if I’m not satisfied with the course? 

 Due to the digital nature of the course, no refunds are provided. This ensures that everyone is committed and serious about making the most out of what they learn. However, I am committed to ensuring that you set up systems that work for you. If at any point you are unsatisfied, message me immediately and I will jump in to help.

2. What will I learn in each module of the course? 

 - Module 1: Set up your Asana account properly and understand core functions. - Module 2: Create your business hub to manage all operations. 
 - Module 3: Set up a personal productivity system to never miss a task. 
 - Module 4: Develop a planning and priorities system to focus on what’s important. 

3. Why is the course priced at $297?

The course is priced to reflect the value of the content, resources, and support provided. It is going up to $397 to reflect the addition of the 1:1 Strategy Session and the extra support I will be providing in the community. If you sign up before August 1, 2024, you get the added benefits before the price increase.

You also have the option to choose a payment plan of 3x $99.

4. How will this course help me stay organized and focused?

By the end of the course, you will have set up a structured system within Asana. This will make managing tasks, projects, and goals much simpler, helping you save time and reduce overwhelm.

5. Is there any personalized support available?

Yes! You get a one-on-one strategy session with me to ensure you make the most of Asana and the course content. 

6. Is this course suitable for someone who is new to Asana?

Absolutely! The course is designed to guide you step-by-step, making it easy for beginners to set up and use Asana effectively.

7. Can experienced Asana users benefit from this course?

Even if you’re experienced with Asana, this course offers advanced tips and systems that can help optimize your workflows and business management. As well, our 1:1 session and advanced conversations in the community can help you further customize and optimize your business.

8. Will I be able to implement what I learn immediately?

Yes, the course is designed to be actionable. You’ll receive templates and resources that you can start using right away.

9. Is there a community or support group included with the course?

Yes, you’ll gain access to a supportive community where you can interact with other course participants, share tips, and ask questions.

10. What happens after I complete the course?

You’ll have all the skills and systems in place to manage your business efficiently. While you won’t have ongoing access to the course after December 1, 2024, the templates and resources are yours to keep.

11. Do I need a paid Asana account?

No paid Asana account is necessary to benefit from the course.

What if you could get your business out of your head and into a solid system that helps you grow while giving you back your TIME?

Asana Quick Start is for you if:

→ You are 100% done with trying to hold all the client work, marketing ideas, and big goals in your head and want a system to keep you organized, focused and on track.

→You are tired of winging it, reinventing the wheel, and constantly worried about missing or forgetting things.

→You're ready to have a single, central go-to business hub to run and manage your business so you can easily stay organized and focused on your goals. 


I have worked hands-on with hundreds of online business owners in the back-end of their businesses. 

I know exactly how frustrating it is to want to focus on what you're best at but have a long ass to-do list day after day after day with no end in sight.

It feels impossible to find time to work on the big picture things that move the needle in your business.

Asana Quick Start gives you the tools to focus on the most important thing at the most important time.

We set up a structure for your business operations and then put in two simple systems that change everything:

1. Your personal productivity system

2. Your planning and prioritization system


How to set up Asana as your operational hub and systems portal to run and manage your business.

The exact system I use to set up Asana as a second brain and stay focused on the top priorities in my business without missing a thing.

The ideal way to capture those big ideas, dreams, and plans AND the day-to-day action steps you need to make it all happen.

A detailed breakdown of the key productivity principles that make Asana a complete organizational system.

By the end of this course, you'll know exactly how to use Asana to run and manage your business while having your back-end organized and streamlined.


Asana Quick Start is a 90-Day, 4-module step-by-step self-study course with a supportive community.

Plus, a one-on-one strategy session with Amy Mitchell to ensure you make your most of Asana and your time in the course.

☆ Module 1: Set Up Your Account
Set up and configure your account and understand all the core functions so you know exactly how to make the most of Asana. (I also share the top mistakes and obstacles that people face with their set up.)

☆ Module 2: Set Up Your Business Hub
Set up the teams and projects that you need to run your entire operations through Asana. Learn how to link and store information and turn Asana into a true hub or portal to your business.

☆ Module 3: Your Personal Productivity System
Set up your task list and weekly to-do system combining Asana's automated task promotion system with my productivity principles to ensure that you never miss another thing.

☆ Module 4: Your Planning & Priorities System
Learn how to take everything you want to get done in your business and set up your monthly planning and priorities system to make it easy to know exactly what to focus on and when.

Once you purchase, you'll be redirected to a thank you page and receive a welcome email.

If this feels supportive for you, I would love to have you. Join us.

  • Total payment
  • 1xAsana Quick Start$0

All prices in USD

Asana Quick Start$0
